How to Reverse Skin Damage from Sun: Our Top 3 Recommendations

Everybody loves being out in the sunshine. Whether you’re enjoying a day at the beach or cheering at your children’s Little League game, there’s something enlivening about time spent in warm, sunny weather. It is important to remember, however, that the sunshine isn’t without its risks—specifically risks to your skin.

Even those who take the proper precautions—using sunscreen consistently, limiting their direct sun exposure—may notice that the sun leaves its mark on them over time, causing their skin to look older. Dark spots, wrinkles, fine lines—all of these can be unwelcome side effects of the sun – leaving all of us to wonder how to reverse skin damage from the sun and is it possible.

The good news is that they don’t have to be permanent side effects. For those looking to reverse some of that sun damage, The Skin Center is happy to offer a number of treatments, all of which have been tested and proven to be safe and effective. Our clients are consistently thrilled with the results they get from these treatments, which is why we’re so eager to recommend them.


Sedation with ProNox During Laser Treatment

The first option we want to highlight is called ProNox. This is an inhalation system, made with 50 percent oxygen and 50 percent nitrous oxide. We use it for procedures that are done outside the operating room, but where it is nevertheless helpful for the patient to be mildly sedated. A few of the non-surgical procedures ProNox sedation aides in include injectables as well as laser treatments.

ProNox helps the patient to relax, and it also allows for the management of any pain or discomfort. Best of all, it’s patient-administered; if you feel like you need more, it’s easy to simply take another deep breath through the mouthpiece. The effects of the ProNox wear off mere minutes after the procedure is over, meaning patients can safely drive themselves home following the non-surgical treatment.

But what does any of this have to do with your skin? Using ProNox, we can help our clients to be totally relaxed and pain-free during laser procedures—a complete game-changer. What this means is that we can really be thorough in using laser technology to fix dark spots, wrinkles and fine lines all over your body, effectively reversing some of the more harmful effects of the sun—and helping you look and feel more youthful, in the process!

PRP Added to Microneedling

Another treatment option we’d like to highlight is microneedling, a cosmetic procedure that’s all about reversing the skin damage from the sun, signs of aging and even stretch marks and scars.

This treatment is also called collagen induction therapy, and for a pretty straightforward reason: during microneedling, a needle device is used to stimulate new collagen production in the skin—

helping to undo some of the looseness, scarring or wrinkles you may be noticing.


And at The Skin Center, we have taken this procedure to the next level by adding platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. The addition of PRP not only makes microneedling more effective, but it also makes the healing process much quicker and more efficient.Plasma is a component of your blood and it contains special growth factors that aid in clotting and healing. Science has also confirmed that plasma includes proteins that aid in cellular growth. When we talk about PRP, we are talking about blood where the plasma has been isolated and concentrated—meaning it’s a totally natural substance that can have an amazing, rejuvenating effect on the body.

This is a truly cutting-edge way to fight the aging process, and it’s something we are proud to say has had amazing, transformative results for our patients.

A Series of Dermalinfusion Treatments

There is one more recommendation we have for anyone wishing to undo some of the aging effects of the sun and that’s a treatment known as Dermalinfusion. Three or more treatments provide the most dramatic results and again, this is a safe and proven approach that we are delighted to offer to clients here at The Skin Center.

But what is Dermalinfusion, exactly? It’s a system that gently exfoliates away rough, dry skin by means of a sturdy diamond tip on a handpiece. From there, the handpiece also suctions oil and dirt from inside your pores with a closed loop vacuum, then infuses age-defying serums directly into the skin. 

It’s a completely comfortable approach that can be customized to address a wide range of skin conditions, including issues like fine lines, wrinkles, sallow skin, dark spots, sun damage, melasma, blemishes, dehydrated skin, rough skin texture, and more.

As you seek to reverse skin damage from the sun—especially on your face—we certainly recommend that you consider the Dermalinfusion system.

Which Approach is Right for You?

While The Skin Center is pleased to offer all three of these treatments, we also want to emphasize the importance of meeting with one of our providers for a one-on-one consultation.

The reason for this is simple: these three approaches, while all safe and effective, treat the skin in different ways. You want to find the treatment that will be most effective in addressing your skin conditions and helping you to achieve the look you want.

We’re pleased to talk with you through some of the different options, and to help guide your decision. Ultimately, we want to pair each client with the skin treatment that’s best-suited to deliver them optimal results.

Learn More About How to Reverse Skin Damage from the Sun

At The Skin Center, we take pride in helping our clients to look and feel more youthful—and often, that means helping them reverse some of the more damaging effects of sunlight. To achieve these results, we’re happy to adopt the latest and greatest advances in skin treatment.

The Skin Center has decades of experience in providing clinically sound cosmetic treatments to men and women alike, in Charlotte and beyond. We would love to meet with you and learn more about your skincare needs. To schedule a consultation with one of our providers, we invite you to contact The Skin Center today.