Our Top Tips on How to Get Back in Shape after the Holidays!

As the post-holiday dust settles, many people find themselves having gained a few pounds, which is why most make new year’s resolutions involving diet, exercise, and losing fat. Leave 2020 behind. We offer a few tips on how to get back in shape after the holidays. 

Tips on How to Get Back in Shape after the Holidays!

Tip #1: Don’t Rush Yourself, Start Slowly

It’s easy to feel panicked when your clothes start to feel tighter after spending the holidays feasting on a delicious spread. But rushing by starving yourself in the next coming weeks will only set you back.

Make healthy choices and get back to the grind slowly. Taking it one step at a time is key, which you can easily do by going for a walk, or by beginning light, short, low-impact exercises. Keep in mind that even if you can do intensive workouts, jumping the gun will only hurt you in the end. 

Tip #2: Go Back to Your Diet Steadily

After a few weeks of overindulgence, it’s time to get back to reality.  With that in mind, return to a healthy diet by cutting your portions and choosing good proteins, carbohydrates, or fats. 

Tip #3: Plan Your New Regime and Ensure it’s Realistic

People fall harder when they make unrealistic promises, but it’s important to analyze your body now and make a plan of attack. Write down your fitness goals and track your progress don’t forget to celebrate small achievements. It’s best to slowly incorporate new workouts into your routine without shocking your mind or body.

How can we Boost Your Confidence?

Are you looking for the best non-surgical treatment to help you achieve a slimmer silhouette after indulging in all the holiday feasts? CoolSculpting® and CoolTone at The Skin Center by CPS are FDA-cleared, non-invasive ways to get rid of love handles and more.

We also offer extensive medical aesthetic services. Our joint partnerships with industry giants such as Allergan®, Syneron-Candela®, Sciton® ensure our team continues to grow as industry leaders with professional training to guarantee quality results.