But don’t worry, it’s not something you need to simply accept. Here are a few tips and tricks for preventing your Maskne from returning.
Why Do Face Masks Cause Acne?
Acne occurs when pores become clogged. Once a pore is clogged, it will block out the skin’s natural oils from being released. When something is directly placed onto the skin, it will cause friction, which increases the chance of rubbing dead skin cells back into the pores. If you’ve ever played a sport where a chinstrap is required, you likely experienced some kind of pimple or acne in this area due to the friction. Face masks are not as tight on the skin, so there isn’t as much friction, but this can still lead to the development of some acne. Additionally, your mask blocks airflow from escaping. By doing this, it redirects much of the air back onto your face. This causes moisture to stick to your skin. It can also cause some bacteria you’re breathing out from sticking to your skin.
If you only wear your mask while in grocery stores or for a few minutes a day, you probably won’t have too much of an issue with the development of acne. However, if you are in a position where you need to wear a mask for longer periods of time, you greatly increase the potential of developing this Maskne.
So is this something you just need to accept? Absolutely not. You simply need to develop a strict skincare routine. Doing so will help you maintain and even improve the look of your skin.
If you are looking for a step-by-step guide on how to prevent Maskne and the perfect products to help, download our Maskne Guide today!
Stick to Your Skincare Routine (no off-days allowed)
Even though we have answered, “do face masks cause acne,” it is still important to wear a mask. There’s no getting around that. So until you can remove that from your daily wardrobe requirements, you’ll need to instead adjust your skincare routine. This, thankfully, doesn’t need to be all that difficult or even different from what you’re doing today.
First, you need to start with a fragrance-free cleanser. This will help remove excess oil, dirt, and other bacteria from your face. It is ideal to use the product both in the morning and in the evening. Using it more may actually increase oil production, which can lead to even more acne. The purpose of this is to clear away excess oil, not develop more of it.
Once you have removed all the dead skin and oil with a cleanser, you will want to apply a fragrance-free face moisturizer. It’s important to use a face moisturizer that is formulated specifically for your face. The skin on your face is different from the skin on the rest of your body, and so you need a moisturizer that is built specifically for your face. It’s also recommended to use all fragrance-free products during this time. Wearing a mask will lock in the fragrance around your mouth and nose. While you might be okay with the fragrance without a mask, it can become unbearable when the mask is on.
You will want to protect the area of your face that comes in direct contact with the mask in order to reduce the rubbing. The best way to do this is to use a barrier cream that uses petroleum jelly or zinc as an ingredient. This helps reduce chafing and other irritation on the skin. Additionally, it is a good idea to avoid heavy applications of makeup in this area. Because airflow is minimal around your mouth and nose and the fabric rubs against your skin, this increases the chance of developing acne. So when you’re applying more makeup to cover up the acne you’ve developed, it only increases the chance of additional acne.
Are You Suffering From Dry Skin Rather Than Oily?
Perhaps you’ve noticed you’re suffering from exactly the opposite condition. Maybe instead of becoming extremely oily and acne-prone, you’re now finding your face is especially dry, which is leading to flaking, dead skin, around your mouth, and under your nose. Well, if this is happening, it is because the mask you’re wearing is absorbing the moisture produced by your face, which in turn dries out the skin.
In order to help combat this, you’ll want to use a thicker moisturizing cream made to rehydrate your skin. You can even use some night-time rehydrating moisturizer to help with this. Just make sure to look at the ingredients and avoid moisturizers with ethanol. This may end up drying your skin out further.
Help For Your Skin Conditions Are Just A Call Away
Skin conditions come in all shapes and sizes. Now that you know why do masks cause acne, you’ll be able to treat the condition and do what you can to avoid it. However, if you’re finding it has become out of control or there are other skin conditions you’re unable to treat on your own, our staff here at The Skin Center by CPS is here to help.
We can work with you and your skin type to identify take-home products that will help improve and strengthen your skin. And if you have other conditions you’re struggling with or want to be addressed, our staff is here to help. So, give us a call or set up an appointment through the website. We can’t wait to help you achieve your skincare goals.