When making a decision on any type of plastic surgery or cosmetic treatment, it’s important to make sure you’re working with all the right information. With regard, our own Dr. Ashley Chandler recently appeared on Charlotte’s QC@3, where she helped dispel a few of the most common misconceptions about BOTOX®.
In this post, we’ll summarize her comments, helping separate BOTOX® myths and facts.
Common BOTOX® Myths and Facts
To begin with, Dr. Chandler points out that BOTOX® is a neuromodulator. In other words, it’s an injectable designed to block the action of the muscles. Products such as BOTOX® are used for a wide range of medical applications, including treatment for patients who suffer from eyelid spasms, relief for children with cerebral palsy, treatment for facial nerve paralysis, migraines, and more.
Now, providers are increasingly turning to BOTOX® as a cosmetic treatment, specifically as an option to smooth out wrinkles and prevent facial lines that appear when we overexpress (e.g., laugh lines). The bottom line: BOTOX® can be a great way to reverse visible signs of aging, and contribute to a more youthful, refreshed appearance.
From there, Dr. Chandler offered commentary on a few common misperceptions about BOTOX®; the goal is to help distinguish between BOTOX® myths and facts.
Can BOTOX® be addictive?
For example, one of the most common concerns about BOTOX® is that it can be addictive in nature.
Dr. Chandler says that she has had many patients express anxiety over this, but in reality, it’s just a myth. BOTOX® has no effect on your brain chemistry; in other words, there’s nothing about it that makes you crave further treatments or injections.
However, people do tend to like their BOTOX® results! Because of this, many patients feel inspired to return for additional treatments or to seek BOTOX® treatments in additional areas.
This doesn’t mean that BOTOX® is addictive; it just means that BOTOX® works well, and most patients are really pleased with their final outcomes.
Can BOTOX® cause your facial wrinkles to worsen?
Dr. Chandler highlights another common worry about BOTOX®… namely, that if you stop getting BOTOX® injections, your facial wrinkles will come back, even worse than before.
Again, this is purely a myth. BOTOX® inhibits muscles and smooths over existing wrinkles; when the treatment wears off, wrinkles may begin to reform. However, this is no indication that these wrinkles will be any worse than they were pre-BOTOX®.
The issue here is really one of perception. Following a BOTOX® treatment, you may quickly become accustomed to your smooth skin and wrinkle-free appearance. When the BOTOX® wears off and the wrinkles return, they can seem deeper or more pronounced, but that’s only because you’ve gotten used to life without them.
Is BOTOX® only for women?
Dr. Chandler goes on to say that many of her patients assume BOTOX® to be for women only.
Again, this is simply a misconception. While the majority of BOTOX® patients are women, Dr. Chandler says she is treating more men all the time. The internet is buzzing about Bro-tox!
A possible explanation of this is that, with many men spending more and more time on Zoom meetings, they are beginning to feel self-conscious about their appearance. “Men want to look nice, too,” Dr. Chandler points out, and BOTOX® can be a great way of achieving that goal.
It’s worth noting that BOTOX® affects men in about the same way it affects women, though practitioners have to be careful around the forehead area. “Men tend to have a lower-set brow, and it can look heavier, so we have to be a little careful there with where we inject and how we go about it,” comments Dr. Chandler.
The bottom line: BOTOX® has historically been popular among women, but it’s a great option for anyone who wants to age gracefully.
Does BOTOX® treat your muscles or your skin?
Another topic addressed by Dr. Chandler is a common perception that BOTOX® actually treats the muscles, not the skin.
This one is actually a fact. BOTOX® inhibits the muscles from moving, but the effects can be seen in the skin. Basically, BOTOX® minimizes the appearance of wrinkles that result from facial movement; it does this simply by eliminating that movement.
“The actual effect of the medicine is at the muscular level,” Dr. Chandler says, even though you will notice visible results at the level of your skin.
Botox® Patient Results
Will BOTOX® keep you from smiling, or from moving your eyebrows like normal?
One final question about BOTOX®: Will it impede you from normal facial expressions, as is often assumed?
BOTOX® treatments have come a long way and can now be administered in a way that provides the desired results without any unwanted side effects. With that said, a lot of this comes down to the skill of the injector. “I would definitely recommend going to a board-certified plastic surgeon’s office,” Dr. Chandler states. “We certainly still want to have facial expression, so having someone that’s an expert in it is key. At Charlotte Plastic Surgery, we definitely want to have a natural look, and we want people to have facial expression, to look themselves.”
To put it another way, the goal at CPS is for patients to look refreshed… not like they’ve just had a lot of BOTOX® work. The best injectable is undetectable.
More Questions About BOTOX® Myths and Facts?
If you have additional questions regarding BOTOX®, or simply wish to dispel any misconceptions, we welcome you to contact Charlotte Plastic Surgery or The Skin Center by CPS.
We have helped countless patients achieve outstanding results through BOTOX® treatments. We would love to tell you more about how BOTOX® can help you look more youthful and refreshed. To schedule a consultation with one of our providers, contact our office at your next opportunity.